Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Did you hear TPT is having a one-day sale? We're participating. Stock up on some back-to-school resources, or yourself to something from your wish list!
Visit our store here!
A Peach for the Teach: Behavior Support & Multi-Age Classrooms's photo.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Motivate Me Monday Hop

My positive, inspirational friend Mel over at From the Pond is hosting a blog hop to spread some positivity and motivation. She's made a printable, motivational board for sticky notes to help remember the things that inspire us.

Here are this week's prompts:
Here's mine with my sticky notes:

First, I love this guy's last name. Second, this quote is amazing. I've been trying to rewire my brain to go from panic mode to excitement mode when faced with a new challenge.

My grandfather has always been a great inspiration to me and my teaching, as well as to my life in general. He was an educator until he retired. Sadly, he passed away at age 69 (five years ago) during the week that I got furloughed from my dream teaching job, my first year teaching. I was devastated, and it took me a *long* time to get back into the swing. I dedicated my profession to his memory, and I've tried to bring his sense of humor to my classroom (except he was actually funny, and my humor is more of the dork-blend lol). This year I was offered a fifth grade resource room position, and I'm still inspired by him. He always said fifth was his favorite! I go out to dinner with my grandmother at least once a week, and she has just started telling me fun stories from his fifth grade days. I just learned he spent 5 minutes every day telling jokes while he sat on his desk.

Inspirational Colleague
My colleague Jess is a hard worker, and her classroom decor is a Pinterest paradise. She is so positive toward our kiddos-- and our staff. When someone gets negative, she shares a positive story or changes the subject. She recommended the book Unshakeable by Angela Watson, which really put the wind back in my sails.

Those lyrics are from Alanis Morissette-- simple but true. Problems seem so big when they happen, but whether it's five hours, five days, five months, or five years later, we're okay. That entire glass container of red juice that I dropped on my floor last week really didn't affect me at all today, you know?

I am so happy to say there are so many things that make me smile.

Looking Forward To
We just got back from our honeymoon, the big thing I was looking forward to. It was awesome. Now that it's over (wahhh lol), I'm excited for a bunch of fun things to come!
Want this motivational board for your own space? Grab it from Google Drive HERE.

After you add your sticky notes, feel free to snap a picture, join us, and link up! Find the beginning over at From the Pond: