Saturday, March 29, 2014

Exit Ticket Parking Lot

Exit slips are a great way to get students to reflect on their learning and to help teachers reflect on their teaching. I always had a tough time keeping track of exit tickets. I tried it with Post-It notes, but they would fall off. Then, I thought-- why not Velcro?

I made these reusable exit slips as a ticket out the door for my students. For my self-contained kiddos, I have them fill out an exit slip (or dictate to an adult/classmate to fill it out for them) for each subject, placing them on their own weekly board.

I just cut, laminated, backed with Velcro, and had students write one thing they learned in today's class period. Students love these exit tickets, and they make for a great post-assessment.

I can just glance at them after class to see how well they grasped the concept. I post mine under my objectives board, so they can look up for an idea. I assigned a student to wipe them off for me at the end of each day.

Don't you love things that make life easier? I sure do! Get the set here:

How do you assess student learning? Do you use exit tickets? Please share in the comments below!


  1. I also use exit tickets. I, too, had trouble keeping up with them and hated taking them all home or shuffling through numerous papers. I use laminated exit tickets in the theme of Twitter. The students really enjoy "tweeting" about what they learned or an answer to a wuestion at the end of class. I <3 exit tickets! ;)

  2. Hi, Kayla! I love that idea! Way to implement interests! Me, too! Thanks so much for sharing!
