Monday, February 17, 2014

Social Skills Rock Star Hall of Fame: Social Skills Report Card Insert, Standards, & Motivator

Wrapping up our most recent marking period, I really wished that I had a social skills report card insert. I teach social skills daily, but it's not something that's easy to grade. I wanted to have some sort of records for assessment, to give myself an idea of how well my students were applying the social skills we had learned across contexts.

I came up with an idea for a report card insert that is aligned with the PDE SAS interpersonal skills standards. I also made a checklist and a rock star hall of fame motivator out of it.

Check out the details here:

How do you assess and report social skill progress? Please share in the comments below!

A Peach for the Teach


  1. Hi Brandi! I like your social skills pack - we have a social skills section build in on our report card. There are 4-5 descriptors in the section and we give a mark for each descriptor (-, v-, v, v+, or +).

    Kate :)
    McDee's Busy Bees

  2. Hi, Kate!

    Thanks! That's awesome that you have it build into your report cards. It's so important for parents to know. Thanks for sharing!

