Saturday, September 7, 2013

The most unusual (yet heartwarming) compliment...

Here's a heartwarming daily giggle for you. One of my students wrote this essay about me, and it brought me to tears... And also made me rethink my fragrance choice!

What's the most unusual or heartwarming compliment you've ever received from a student? Comment below to share some smiles!

Hope that brightened up your day,
A Peach for the Teach


  1. Oh my goodness! I would love to find a perfume that smells of freshly backed cookies! That is a very sweet letter!

    Mrs. Brosseau's Binder - Math & Science Teaching with a Twist

  2. Haha, me too! The funny thing is, I don't even wear perfume to school! Maybe this explains my constant cookie cravings! Thanks, Michelle!

  3. That's so sweet! I found you via TBTS, and I've already pinned a couple of your things. Nicely done!

  4. Thanks, HoJo! I really appreciate that! I'm loving TBTS so far!
